Integritety Policy
In accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), this information has been prepared to show how the Royal Orders of Knighthood processes the personal data that we store about you.
The Royal Orders of Knighthood (corporate identity number 802006-4047) undertakes to process your personal data in accordance with prevailing data protection rules and internal guidelines. To ensure compliance with the rules, we have appointed a data protection organisation, which you may contact if you have any questions concerning how the Royal Orders of Knighthood processes personal data.
You can contact the data protection organisation by e-mail: or the Royal Orders of Knighthood by calling the switchboard on +46 8 402 60 00.
You can read more about the General Data Protection Regulation, our obligations and your rights on the website of the Swedish Authority for Privacy Protection Link to another website External link..
You can also contact the Swedish Authority for Privacy Protection if you believe that we have not fulfilled our obligations towards you in any way. More information on how to proceed can be found at Link to another website. External link.
Processing of personal data within the Royal Orders of Knighthood
You have the right to obtain information about the personal data that we have registered about you by ordering a register extract from us. The easiest way to do this is to contact the data protection organisation of the Royal Orders of Knighthood using the contact form External link., or by calling: +46 8 402 60 00
When requesting a register extract by e-mail, please use the form:
Personal data request (pdf), 212 kBPdf, 207 kB, opens in a new window. External link.
Access to your personal data
The Royal Orders of Knighthood has produced a document containing information on how we process your personal data. In this document, we describe the types of personal data we process, the purpose for which it is processed and with whom we share the information The document is available here (in Swedish only):
How we process your personal data (pdf), 923 kBPdf, 923 kB, opens in a new window. External link.
The latest version of the document is always published here on the website of the Royal Orders of Knighthood.
Who do I contact with any questions?
If you have any questions about the processing of your personal data, you are welcome to contact us. Contact details are provided below. If you are not satisfied with the response you have received, you are entitled to lodge a complaint with the supervisory authority (the Swedish Authority for Privacy Protection Link to another website. External link.).
The Royal Orders of Knighthood
Data Protection
The Royal Palace
107 70 Stockholm
+46 8 402 60 00 External link.
Contact form External link.